Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring has Sprung!

Thank goodness.  I am always so ready to get my yard back, ready to see green, and ready for the Bluebonnets of Texas!

One of the many things Texans are proud of is our state flower, the Bluebonnet. And the minute I saw them springing up on the sides of the road, I knew I had to do a photo shoot.

This is a beautiful jewelry cabinet that I will have in my booth on May 10th.  This cabinet was a dull brown and made such a beautiful transformation with the Old White ASCP and a little clear wax.
I have to admit, I was so tempted to keep this!  But I knew there was a deserving mom out there somewhere who might get this for Mother's Day.  Can you imagine what a great present this would be?  The inside is completely covered in a soft pink velvet and each drawer has compartments that very in size.
This gal is full of surprises.  The top has a lid that opens with a mirror.  There are special places for rings and earrings in that top level.  Both sides of the cabinet fold out to have a secret place to hang all your necklaces.  I love that because it prevents tangling.  The design of this cabinet is so well thought out.  Maybe a woman designed it?  I like the thought of that.  If you are interested in more information about the cabinet contact me!


  1. Wow! I'm loving the contrast between the spring colors and the white of the dresser! Looks great!

  2. Thanks! Taking these pictures was a real adventure. We just had to take advantage of the Texas Bluebonnets!
