Saturday, February 8, 2014

Almost forty- just turned 39... and I feel like I am discovering a new person.  This new me makes me kind of uncomfortable.  She is keeping me up even later at night.  She won't allow me to sit down long enough to catch up on my TV shows.  She does not care about keeping the house tidy.  She hardly ever cooks.  She spends each night in the garage with the music cranked way up.  I haven't even mentioned what she has done to the garage!  It's a total wreck; rags on the floor, a thin layer of dust covers everything, painted cardboard tiling bits of floor, and furniture crammed everywhere!

Even though this new me has caused some chaos in my household, I have to admit- I am really enjoying the process. 

So many things to think about!  So many decisions to make!  When considering this new small business, I am finding that I need to select some sort of logo that will represent my "brand."  Brand?  What is a brand? A brand is anything that relates to and represents your business.  In Nike, it's the swoosh, in Lego, it's the letters that make up the word lego.  It's the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of that particular company.  One of the hundreds of websites and blogs I have read suggested I put a board or collage of items I like together.  I went to Pinterest and began to surf from one board to another.  Using Picmonkey, I assembled the collage above.  Now to analyze it.  I see turquoise, geometric patterns, coral, yellow, nature, religion, nostalgia...  Now I must ball all of it up and find a symbol that represents all of it... Yeah right!!!!! Super hard!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe I will abandon all of that and go with this symbol.
If you had to pick a symbol to represent who you are today, what would it be?  Post your ideas!  I want to know!

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